Press release

Anna Maria Artoni tells all in the book entitled “Figli di papà a chi?” Dedicate to the 50th anniversary of Confindustria’s Young Entrepreneurs Group

Alberto Orioli’s book entitled “Figli di papà a chi? Storia del movimento che ha cambiato la Confindustria” (“So you think we’re spoilt brats? History of the movement that changed Confindustria”) was presented in Milan, at the headquarters of Il Sole 24 ORE

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Artoni Trasporti: “the road towards growth”

The 2014-2018 industrial plan, with investments and further development of “customer-related services” has now been presented

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Artoni: tangible commitments with an eye to the future

Innovative services; ventures into new business areas; investments in organization structure and further improvement in margins.


The Artoni truck I’ve always dreamed of? 2093 it’ll be a spacecraft

There were prizes for the winners of the Drawing Competition organized to mark the 80th anniversary of the establishment of Artoni Trasporti. The drawings will turned into the 2014 calendar and a book.

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Artoni: Logistics gets smart and help to launch new products

The new Smart logistics service helps companies to launch new products and promotional campaigns

Artoni steps up its online presence

Reggio Emilia, 3 June 2013 – Artoni Trasporti steps up its online presence and launches the new website in the eightieth year since its establishment. This investment in a new web access point is a sign that the transport and logistics industry is very much alive and ready to help companies with new services [...]

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Now daily departures to Poland

We’ve powered up our international services by enhancing the departures to and from Poland

New! Direct to Great Britain and Ireland!

Artoni, the logistics operator, is launching a new international service linking Italy directly to Great Britain and Ireland

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