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Artoni: tangible commitments with an eye to the future

Innovative services; ventures into new business areas; investments in organization structure and further improvement in margins.

Reggio Emilia, 5 February 2014 – Tangible commitments with an eye to the future: although the complicated and uncertain situation linked to Italy’s economic trend persists, Artoni Trasporti will be investing, during the year, in new projects that will extend the business towards new product sectors as well as improving our services and efficiency.

We’re currently implementing the new temperature-controlled freight transport line for the pharmaceutical sector and the new organizational plan, which will give increasingly more space to express delivery services.

One of the five-year industrial plan commitments that has already achieved significant improvements, including getting back to a positive operating profitability level, is the agreement reached in record time with the trade unions. An agreement that led to a new stage of dialogue focused on limiting costs, but especially on enhancing the professionalism that has been Artoni’s asset for over 80 years. Thanks to this joint effort involving both workers and enterprise, Artoni can now maintain the employment levels in all operational headquarters by using government-subsidized instruments for redundancies, such as temporary unemployment benefit and voluntary mobility.

Within this context, the group’s economic-financial forecasts for the current year envisage a substantially stable turnover and a further improvement in margins.

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