
August with Artoni
Here at Artoni we’re always thinking about the services you’ll need! That’s why we’re sending you the operating schedule for our network so you can make your plans for shipments in August.

Artoni Trasporti: first quarter fo 2014 “on the way to recovery”
The results recorded during the first quarter of 2014 confirm how Artoni is capable of achieving the goals established in the 2014 plan within the forecast steps and timeframes.
20140513_Comunicato_stampa_Artoni_Q1_2014_EN - pdf
Operation center in TERNI: new address
Artoni strengthens its presence in the Terni area thanks to the transfer in a brand new facility.

Operation center in BRINDISI: new address
Operation center in BRINDISI: new address
Artoni “moves” the first edition of “Feed it! think. create. change” for Oxfam Italy
Launched in concomitance with Milan’s Furniture Exhibition, the initiative raised funds in support of Oxfam Italia’s world-wide charity work.
201404_Artoni_Press_release_artoni_oxfam_en - pdf
Easter’s going to be a “sweet” time in Italy. This is the result of an analysis conducted within the Artoni network.

Artoni, data travel fast with Extol
Artoni’s adopts a new E.D.I. data exchange solution in collaboration with Primeur and makes information integration with customers both speedy and simple
20140404_Artoni_piattaforma_Extol_Primeur_en - pdfAnna Maria Artoni participate in the program “Eco della Storia”
Gianni Riotta, Anna Maria Artoni, Pietro Reichlin talk about the Italian industrial history from the post-war to the present.
Anna Maria Artoni tells all in the book entitled “Figli di papà a chi?”
Alberto Orioli’s book entitled “Figli di papà a chi? Storia del movimento che ha cambiato la Confindustria” (“So you think we’re spoilt brats? History of the movement that changed Confindustria”) was presented in Milan, at the headquarters of Il Sole 24 ORE,
Artoni Trasporti: the road towards growth
The 2014-2018 industrial plan, with investments and further development of “customer-related services” has now been presented