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Anna Maria Artoni, Vice Presidente della Artoni Trasporti di Reggio Emilia nell’anno dell’ottantesimo dalla fondazione dell’azienda di famiglia guarda al futuro.

Artoni cooperates with Oxfam Italy and transports the second “Feed It!”

The second Feed it!, promoted by Oxfam Italia, is once again showcasing the very best of design in 2015, in a major international exhibition and solidarity project.


Italy traffic bans – July and August 2015

Circulation of trucks during the summer

Artoni “moves” the second edition of “Feed It!” for Oxfam Italy

In its second edition “Feed it!”, promoted by Oxfam Italy, proposes the best italian design for an international exhibition and a great project of solidarity.


Bolzan: new reference

From 06.08.2015 changing the references of the operations center of Bolzano