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Anna Maria Artoni, Vice Presidente della Artoni Trasporti di Reggio Emilia nell’anno dell’ottantesimo dalla fondazione dell’azienda di famiglia guarda al futuro.

Artoni supports the non-profit “Preventing Cancer Association in Guastalla”



Artoni competition “Draw Artoni the truck of your dreams.”

Artoni presents a brand new video! This video collects all the drawings of the children of employees, aging from 6 to 14, who participated in the first corporate competition “Draw Artoni the truck of your dreams.” Watching this video you can see how much strong a child imagination can be. In his mind a truck [...]

video_smartphone, try it on your smartphone or tablet

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Artoni Corporate Video

We deliver a comprehensive range of services in national and international goods transport; designs logistics and supply chain management solutions; choose the solution that best suits your needs.


Even during Christmas time your shipments travel with Artoni

Go to Artoni operational plan for Christmas time